444 S BUENA VISTA AV SAN JOSEBVNASep 28, 20171 min read H17-054 - Site Development Permit to allow demolition of the existing single-family residence and developing a 10,460 square foot, three-story, 6-unit apartment building on a 0.27- gross acre site in the R-M Multi-family Zoning District#Redevelopment #PlanningPermit #444SBuenaVistaAve
H17-054 - Site Development Permit to allow demolition of the existing single-family residence and developing a 10,460 square foot, three-story, 6-unit apartment building on a 0.27- gross acre site in the R-M Multi-family Zoning District#Redevelopment #PlanningPermit #444SBuenaVistaAve