We're back in session today and wasting no time getting to work. At the City Council meeting this afternoon, I'll propose placing two different bond measures on the November Ballot.
The first measure will help us improve our city's public safety, and address critical infrastructure needs, such as: 911 communications, emergency operations, and police facilities, as well as fire stations, neighborhood streets, roads, bridges, and storm drains.
The second will help us build 10,000 affordable homes in the next half-decade, as directed in my affordable housing plan.
Learn more about my proposal:
In addition to the bond measures, the City Council will consider three other potential measures: A City Charter Amendment that would prohibit the Mayor and Council from approving their own salaries and align the Charter with State law to allow the Council to place competing ordinances on the same ballot:
A City Charter Amendment that would help streamline and modernize the procurement process for public works contracts:
A measure to update the City’s cardroom tax: