In January of 2020, the San Jose Department of Transportation shared their three-year paving plan . The plan is a first-of-its-kind forecast for DOT. It shows our commitment to prioritize hundreds of miles of local streets in poor condition, while continuing to maintain major streets that carry most of our city’s traffic.
Despite its name, the pavement maintenance program covers more than just asphalt. The work will also add thousands of curb ramps that comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Some streets will be reconfigured to be calmer and safer. And the City will take advantage of the opportunity to add or improve bike lanes and bicycle detection systems at traffic signals across the city. The 2020 paving program will support the third year of our Better Bikeways San José program. That effort is drastically improving safety and comfort for bicyclists in and near the downtown core.
Notice are being put up throughout the neighborhood letting residents know that they must take their cars off the streets so allow for the work to take place. This first phase of repairs involves crews digging up sections of street that are damaged, repairing pipes, sewers, and other utilities. Once this work is done, a resurfacing will take place throughout the entire neighborhood.
While road crew are out, expect delays in and around the neighborhood.