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Mayor Sam Liccardo launched #BeautifySJ in his 2017 State of the City speech to rally residents to reclaim their public spaces and empower the community to aesthetically demonstrate their pride in our city.

In addition to the many ways that residents can help the City beautify San José, City Hall will engage on a number of new policy decisions and opportunities in the coming months that will make San José more attractive:

  • Helping CalTrans fill its vacancies with formerly jailed or homeless clients at Goodwill and the Downtown Streets Team.

  • Restoring CalTrans contracts for graffiti abatement.

  • Launching a partnership among San Jose Conservation Corps and CalTrans.

  • Expanding our free residential junk pickup service.

  • Boosting enforcement on illegal dumping.

  • Launching a new smartphone app to make it easier for residents to report and address neighborhood blight.

  • Expanding the availability of small grants to neighborhoods to spur beautification efforts: converting vacant lots to urban gardens, covering graffiti-tagged walls with beautiful murals, or planting street trees.

  • Partnering with the Knight Foundation to offer “placemaking grants” to local students to activate the neglected spaces in their neighborhoods.

  • Leading weekly neighborhood cleanups across the city.

For more information see:


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