In 2020, the BVNA participated in a Traffic Safety Audit to address a number of safety concerns raised by residents. In the five-year period between 2016 and 2020, there have been 57 collisions within the neighborhood. Speeding was identified as a primary collision factor and unsafe turn movements and vehicle right of way violations were the next most common collision factors. Three of these collisions within the neighborhood involved a bicyclist or pedestrian.

Due to restrictions on in-person gatherings resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, outreach and engagement were primarily virtual. To provide additional opportunities for engagement, interactive webmaps were developed for each of the eight areas in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. These webmaps were open to comments from mid-June to mid-August, allowing the public to weigh in before and after walking audit events. The webmaps provided a platform for people to add pins and comments within the areas, and the opportunity to see comments from others. A total of 507 comments were received on the map, with Moreland School and Buena Vista receiving over 100 comments. Comments were primarily related to speeding and driver behavior, such as running red lights and stop signs.

Attached is the final results of the audit for all of the neighborhoods that were evaluated by the study.