Did you make a resolution to get more exercise this year? Did you make one to do something positive for your community once a month? Well, you can take care of BOTH of those resolutions this coming Saturday.
This month the Adopt-A-Highway Litter Roundup on Highway 280 is scheduled for:
Saturday, June 9 from 9:00-12:30.
If you are planning to attend, please email me so I can plan the groups and areas we will be cleaning. If you have never attended one of these litter pick-ups, go to
for more information.
We meet and collect our gear (hard hats, safety vests, bags, etc.) at the northwest corner of Leigh and Moorpark, across from San Jose City College at 9:00 AM. If you're a newcomer, please don't be late. We leave for the work sites by 9:15.
After the pickup, I will be buying lunch for everyone at Coco's on Hamilton just east of Winchester.
If you'd like to help but want to stay off the freeway, there are some areas on city streets north of 280 that we will also be cleaning. Just let me know....
Feel free to pass this email along to anyone you think might be interested in joining us. Loui