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Community Input Wanted for VTA’s Local Roads Safety Plan


Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Community Input Wanted for VTA’s Local Roads Safety Plan. VTA, in partnership with the cities and towns in Santa Clara County, is working on a countywide traffic safety plan to improve safety on local streets, with the goal of reducing fatal and serious injury collisions in our communities.

A Local Roads Safety Plan (LRSP) provides a framework for identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing roadway safety improvements.

Help make your neighborhood streets safe! If you've noticed any traffic safety problem areas in your community, please submit them on VTA's Countywide Local Roads Safety Plan website:



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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