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County of Santa Clara COVID-19 Vaccine Information


Updated: Jan 26, 2021

The first COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for use in the United States. Vaccinations have begun. These vaccines were tested among tens of thousands of volunteers to ensure that they are safe and effective. When you are eligible to get a dose of vaccine, the Public Health Department strongly recommends that you get one.

Who is Currently Eligible to be Vaccinated?

All healthcare personnel in Phase 1A are currently eligible to be vaccinated. In addition, some health systems in the County are now allowing Santa Clara County residents who are age 75 or older to receive their vaccine.

Eligibility for COVID-19 vaccine is determined by state and federal criteria. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has announced that all individuals in Phase 1A are eligible to be vaccinated, and that healthcare providers may begin offering doses to additional groups in Phase 1B Tier 1 after appropriate efforts have been made to reach higher priority groups and when demand from people in Phase 1A has slowed down.

Individuals who are eligible to be vaccinated, should contact their healthcare provider for more information or to make an appointment:

Who Will be Eligible to Receive the Vaccine Next?

The federal and state government have established phases for when different populations are eligible to receive vaccine. Currently, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has instructed all counties in California to vaccinate persons in “Phase 1A” which includes healthcare personnel and residents of long-term care facilities (e.g., nursing homes). In addition, CDPH has now provided guidance that healthcare providers may begin offering vaccine doses to some Phase 1B Tier 1 populations if appropriate efforts have been made to reach higher priority groups and vaccine demand has slowed down in the currently eligible phases. CDPH is in the process of developing further direction for healthcare providers and counties related the groups included in Phase 1B and 1C.

Phase 1A

Healthcare personnel

Staff and residents of Long-Term Care Facilities


Tier 1​

Acute care, psychiatric, and correctional facility hospital staff

Residents and staff at skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities and similar settings for older or medically vulnerable individuals

Paramedics, EMTs, and others providing emergency medical services

Dialysis centers

Tier 2

​Intermediate care facilities for persons who need non continuous nursing supervision and supportive care

Home health care an in-home supportive services

Community health workers, including promotoras

Public health field staff

Primary Care clinic workers, including Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Centers, correctional facility clinics, and urgent care clinics​

Tier 3: Other healthcare workers including:

Specialty clinics

Laboratory workers

Dental and other oral health clinics

Pharmacy staff not working in settings at higher tiers

Phase 1B

Tier 1​

Individuals 75 and older

Those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: education, childcare, emergency services, and food and agriculture

Tier 2

Individuals 65 -74 years of age

​Those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: transportation and logistics; industrial, commercial, residential, and sheltering facilities and services; critical manufacturing​

Congregate settings with outbreak risk: incarcerated and homeless

Phase 1C*

Individuals 50 -64 years of age

People 16-49 years of age and have an underlying health condition or disability which increases their risk of severe COVID-19 Those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: water and wastewater; defense; energy; chemical and hazardous materials; communications and IT; financial services; government operations / community-based essential functions *Subject to change. Not yet finalized by CDPH



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