The City of San Jose is hosting four Community Forums in late June to share information with the public and gather input on the Diridon Station Area. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to:
Learn about transit improvements, previous planning goals, and possible development happening in the Diridon Station Area, including a potential Google project
Share your vision for the area
Share your concerns
Ask questions
Agenda and Purpose: City staff will provide a short background presentation to share information on the Diridon Station Area and community engagement process. City staff and its consultants will then facilitate small group discussions to gather input on hopes, issues, and ideas for the Diridon Station Area.
Services: Each forum will offer snacks and beverages. Community center staff will offer supervised activities for children (must be potty-trained) during the two-hour event.
Language: Community Forum #3 will be held in Spanish, with live interpretation into English using headsets. At the other three events, interpretation services from English to Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese, or American Sign Language will also be available, upon request.
RSVP: To help us plan accordingly, please let us know if you plan to attend a forum by RSVP-ing through Eventbrite (links below). This will guarantee your seat at the event. Please indicate in your RSVP if you require interpretation or other accommodations.
Post-event: Following the forums, the community engagement team will compile the feedback, prepare a summary, and post the summary and copies of the notes taken at the forums on this website. The team will also share the forum summaries with the Station Area Advisory Group (SAAG), Google, and staff working projects related to the Diridon Station Area. Ultimately, the feedback will be incorporated into a Comprehensive Report that documents all community engagement activities conducted between February-September 2018. Your feedback will help guide the future of San Jose!
For more information visit: