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Emergency Prepairedness Month


The month of September is National Preparedness Month and a time to think about what we need to do to get prepared for disasters and emergencies. For a month-by-month approach to getting prepared, check out the County Office of Emergency Services' Twelve Month Emergency Preparedness Calendar.

Every month focuses on just one aspect of getting prepared -- and breaks it down into small, easily doable steps. September's theme is: Being informed. You can download a fact sheet that outlines important ways to stay informed and also identifies challenges you may need to overcome. Good luck with your preparedness efforts -- it's worth the effort!

Being prepared for disasters and emergencies can seem like a big job. Many people don't know where to start, so they never start at all. With Do 1 Thing you can take small steps that make a big difference in an emergency. Do 1 Thing is a 12-month program that makes it easy for you to prepare yourself, your family, and your community for emergencies or disasters.​​​​​

​January​: 01 - Make a Plan​(PDF)​ Understand what puts you at risk from disasters and take steps to lower your risk. ​February: ​ 02 - Water Supplies(PDF)​ Have 72 hours (3 days) worth of water stored for your household.​ ​March​​: 03 - Sheltering(PDF)​ Know how to respond safely when instructions are given to evacuate or take shelter.​

April:​​ 04 - Emergency Food Supplies​(PDF)​ Have an emergency food supply that will meet the needs of your household for three days without outside help.

May: 05 - Works School Community(PDF)​ Make sure the people who count on you are prepared for a disaster.

June: 06 - Family Needs​​(PDF)​ Be aware of and prepare for your family’s unique needs.

Have the ability to communicate with family members during a disaster.

​August: 08 - Community Involvement(PDF) Make your community stronger by getting trained and getting involved.

​September: 09 - Be Informed(PDF)​ Make sure everyone in your household can receive, understand, and act on information received in an emergency.

October: 10 - Electrical Power(PDF​) Be able to safely meet your basic needs during an electrical outage.

November: 11 - Emergency Supplies​​(PDF​) Remember important items that may be overlooked when leaving your home in a disaster.

December: 12 - First Aid(PDF​) Be prepared to give first aid while waiting for an ambulance.​



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

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San Jose, CA 95159-6953

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