Do you have large items such as mattresses, sofas, refrigerators, or tires, cluttering up your home or garage? San José residents with garbage cart service (single-family homes, most townhomes and mobile homes) can schedule appointments to have their junk picked up at the curb. Schedule a pickup by calling your recycling collection company. San José residents with garbage dumpster service (apartments, most condominiums) should contact their property manager or recycling collection company to arrange for free junk pickup. This service only applies to residents that receive City of San José garbage and recycling collection services, and does not apply to County pockets or unincorporated areas. Visit http://www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/63440 for a list of eligible items, frequently asked questions, or to look up your recycling collection company.
Help keep our neighborhood clean! Report illegal dumping: 408-535-3500.