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July 2007 BVNA Meeting Minutes


  1. Ken Henning would like to invite Elizabeth King, who was Miss Burbank 1948, to come to a meeting to speak to the BVNA.

  2. Nick Bui is interested in finding out how to get trees planted on Laswell. The street is very wide, but has not parking strip between the sidewalk and the street. Perhaps “bump outs” can be created and trees planted there. Perhaps “round-abouts” can be planned for the intersections and trees planted there also. It was suggested that Nick start by talking to his neighbors to see how many would be interested, then look into the possibility of getting grant money for the “bump out” and/or “round-about” construction. Our City Forest can be contacted to get the trees planted.

  3. It was suggested that a small download-able PDF file be created with information about the date, time and location of the next BVNA meeting. Loui Tucker said she would get the flyer made and make it available on the yahoo group documents section and on the BVNA website.


  1. National Night Out: There will be a free dinner (burgers and hot dogs, drinks, popcorn) and a free movie (CARS) at Luther Burbank School. The original “cheap date.” 6:30 for food, movie at 8:30 PM. Sheriff and fire department will be in attendance.

  2. The next “Trashathon” is August 18. There will be an email reminder the week before if anyone is interested in joining the crew that picks up litter on Highway 280 between Meridian and Saratoga, including Parkmoor and Moorpark.

  3. Burbank Sanitary District elections are coming up if anyone wants to become an elected official. Joe Carpenter said these positions, although elected, are pretty much guaranteed to anyone who wants to put their name up.

NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 28 at the home of Marcos and Carlos at 463 Menker Avenue (near the park at Scott and Menker).



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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© 2020 by the BVNA

This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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