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July 2009 BVNA Meeting Minutes


Minutes: BVNA Meeting 7/28

In attendance: Robert Solis, Linda Solis, Karen O’Mara, Lara Tran (Dist. 6), Michael La Roca (guest from Sherman Oaks), Brian Ward, Sally Henning, Ken Henning, Steve Rogers, Dolores Rodriguez, John and Marisol Leyba (new neighbors on 323 Mayellen Ave., Jordan Dancer, Shelby Palms.

Meeting opened at 7:05 by our new president, Robert Solis

Minutes from June 30 meeting approved with the addendum of the election being added – and change of V.P. from Sally Henning to Brian Ward.

New neighbors Marisol and John from 323 Mayellen Ave. and Karen O’Mara from Menker attended.

Reports from the neighborhood: Steve: Tar over section on Willard that still needs to be repaired (water will not drain). Lara still needs pictures she can open (ones sent are not able to open). We have a flicker site on our BVNA webpage; photos from Steve will be sent. County is responsible for fixing this problem and they have not been following through.

Follow-up on illegal parking on Page and Willard: Fire hydrant does not have red line painted on curb (518 Page Street). 2nd request to have corners painted red so people can have better sight lines at inter sections. Brian Ward’s illegal car list was forwarded to Lara; still problems with the cars. Brian is continuing to track the cars as they are moved around every few days. One of the “musical chairs” trucks was broken into and had the tools stolen.

Tree in front of 490 S. Willard: Roots grown into the street; still not fixed.

Sally reported on Menker: One house did home car repairs; she called Nashmeel and Code Enforcement contacted the resident right away. The repairs have stopped for the time being. Sally also complained of fireworks being set off at 3 or 4 a.m. for a few weeks following July 4.

Hair salon on corner of San Carlos and Menker (former “Romeo’s” site) has been cleaned up and looks nice.

A large truck has been parking in the Cash and Carry parking lot covered with graffiti. It seems to be moving from one side of the parking lot to the other.

John and Marisol (323 Mayellen; new neighbors) will be fixing the sinkhole in front of their property. Shelby and Larry on Menker are re-landscaping their front yard.

Ion Project: A success at the home of Bruce and Laurie! New landscaping is coming soon.

Lara gave a report on the situation at SJCC: Baseball field is off; Board of Trustees decided to return the field to multi-purpose use. Michael La Roca (guest) had more info: SJCC has agreed

to work with the community. He will give us an update when it is available. The main complaint was that they did not follow the correct procedure with the land use and environmental concerns. Their own report said they couldn’t assure the safety of baseballs within the community.

Update on Parks: BVNA park expansion on track- stuck in “red tape.” Plan still going forward despite S.J. budget. Plan to get rid of the sand pit as it is dirty and causes problems. Parks and Rec. released a memo on the status of parks; a number of them are delayed for months or years.

Bascom Library: Due to open on 2010; may not be able to open right away due to money for staffing (Update: Opening Scheduled for October of 2010).

Development: Green Republic Projects: Three 14-story towers approved (article was in Mercury News.) Trying to get street light on Douglas; fighting a plan to put a driveway directly across from Safeway driveway; of course the light on Douglas (moved from Azerais).

Report on the District 6 leadership commission; definition of the N.A.C. and Leadership commission outlined for the benefit of our new members. Descriptions also of “Good Neighbor Committee” and San Jose Green Print.

District 6 Leadership Group: Once every quarter the representatives of District 6 community organizations, businesses and concerned individuals come together to talk about common issues that concern all of District 6. Often Robert, Brian and Ken are in attendance at these meetings. Current concerns include the new proposed Greenprint plan as well as the 2040 plan that has to do with how San Jose will develop in the future. For the most part District 6 has been targeted for much of the new transit oriented developments.

Greenprint: one of the proposed changes is a new specification that would change the amount open public space specified from the current 3.5 acres per 1,000 people to a smaller number of 2.5 acres per 1,000 people. Under the 3.5 acre rule, our area would be something like 36 acres underserved (depending on how it was calculated).

Good Neighbor Committee: The Mayor has put together a committee in response to the possible changed that will be happening around the Diridon Station area. Not only will the station be a hub for High Speed Rail and Bart but we may also be getting that new baseball stadium. With all or any of these things the area will be changing. The group is comprised of community leaders, the business community and city staff. The committee is there to mitigate problems and be a voice of different parts of the community as these plans go forward.

Neighborhood Commission: Each district has elected three commissioners to the Commission. They are tasked with taking city-wide neighborhood concerns and advising

the city council about these concerns. They may deal with any issues that are not covered by any other commission currently seated.

Robert stated that he still has to complete the closing of the grant. (Update: Robert has contacted the City and is keeping them appraised of the delay.)

Shelby requests that his friend, Dan Burrus from the RDA be invited to a meeting.

National Night Out: August 4. Nothing planned this year. Movie is out due to budget cuts. Suggest each neighborhood hold its own individual events instead. Jordan suggested everyone in our neighborhood sit on their front porch and talk with their neighbors- and subsequently walk around and visit as well.

Sprit night (Halloween): Jordan Dancer will host at her house this year near the corner of Mayellen and San Carlos.

Brian Ward passed out fliers for his daughter’s production of “Wizard of Oz” (she was the Cowardly Lion) Aug. 6-9.

On Saturday, August 29, Linda and Robert Solis are hosting a drop in potluck/party in their backyard (359 Mayellen Ave.) open to the entire BVNA association. This is an informal gathering to get to know each other and everyone is encouraged to invite neighbors that may not attend meetings too often (e.g., those with small children, etc.) Time: 12 Noon-5 p.m.

The normally scheduled end-of-Aug. meeting will be deferred to the party on the 29th. Next regular meeting Tues., Sep. 29 (Robert cannot chair as he is busy with a work commitment. Brian will chair.) Place TBA (hopefully decided at the Aug. 29 party.)

BVNA Communications: Robert commented that the yahoo group should be used just as it has been. The group is for neighbors to communicate as well as announce family milestones and share cherry cobbler recipes if they so desire. The only thing that should not be on the site is direct advertising and of course character assassination.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Meeting Minutes captured by Linda Solis



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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© 2020 by the BVNA

This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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