BUENA VISTA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes of the Meeting Tuesday, July 24, 2012 the home of Brian Habekoss and Jose Gonzalez at 322 Mayellen Avenue
Meeting called to order at 7:13 PM
PRESENT: [6 people present] Members: Brian Habekoss (President) Mark O'Connor (Host)
Patty Warburton (Host) Jose Gonzalez (Director) Brian Ward (Director)
Review of the Minutes of the July Meeting
Guest: Lara Tran, representing Pierluigi Oliverio’s office
Brian Habekoss mentioned that the City of San José approved the BVNA grant petition for $1,500. The BVNA Newsletter had a cost of about $800 printed and distributed.
In the street trees on Menker hearing, the City determined that one tree has substantial fungus damage to the roots and will have to be removed. The other two street trees cannot be cut down. Also, the City arborist mentioned that there is an issue with the Japanese beetle which is a pest that kills trees and preventive work is in place to eliminate it.
The Ice Cream social event at the park had a good attendance and let us meet more neighbors.
Mark O’Connor asked about how many active members the BVNA has. The response is that the mailing list has over 80 members but not everyone is participating right now. About a dozen or so people are active.
The 4th of July party was very successful and the CAP Grant included some funds for refreshments, which can be reimbursed with receipts. Request John or the City to get the permit for the park banner.
The Minutes were approved.
Meridian St. Development Project
This project is taking place at Meridian Avenue and West San Carlos. The loan has not been secured and we are requesting the developer clean up the lot. Brian Ward mentioned that there is a lot of graffiti that needs to be cleaned up. The “Meyers Electric” building has to be removed but the priorities are cleaning up the weeds and garbage. The owner of the land must keep the lot clean, otherwise we must report it to Code Enforcement.
Whole Foods Market on The Alameda
The meeting at City Hall will center on the architectural issues of the building and how it gets integrated to the local architecture. We agreed that the store is overdue and did not want it held it up further.
The Ohlone Development
This meeting takes place at the same day as the Whole Foods Market meeting, and several BVNA members plan to attend. The Ohlone project involves more complex issues like density. Brian Ward mentioned that public transportation from the Ohlone via VTA station will remain a challenge.
Minutes of BVNA General Meeting 7-24-2012 Page 2
Neighbor Problems
Patty mentioned that there are some issues with the neighbors bordering her backyard, specifically the ones at the apartment complex right behind her house piling trash up in their carport. Brian suggested to contact the owner of that property, and Lara suggested contacting the County Assessor. We need to find out if Code Enforcement would respond to trash in the back of a property where it is not visible from the street.
National Night Out
Jordan Dancer volunteered to host the NNO dinner at her house scheduled for August 7th. She will sign up with the City and provide refreshments and some dishes. Neighbors were encouraged to bring dishes, food and more refreshments.
Crime Reports site
It was suggested to keep an eye on what is going on in the neighborhood at www.crimereports.com The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.