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Mayor Announces Neighborhoods Selected for the Pilot TogetherSJ Initiative


SAN JOSÉ, CA - Today, San José Mayor Matt Mahan announced that the city would be rolling out the next phase of TogetherSJ, an initiative intended to fight back against the epidemic of loneliness by increasing social connection and civic engagement through the bolstering of neighborhoods – providing them with the necessary resources to organize and thrive. 

“When neighbors know each other, neighbors help each other,” said Mayor Mahan. “As we strive to create a safer and cleaner San José, investing in our neighborhood associations is one of the most strategic actions we can take.”

Mayor Mahan highlighted the 20 neighborhoods chosen to participate in the program’s pilot and the different learning modules that will be offered. Originally announced in early August, the program was created in partnership with the city’s Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services (PRNS), San José Police Department (SJPD), with support from California Volunteers, Office of the Governor. 

“The feeling of belonging to a neighborhood and connected to our neighbors compels us to serve each other and make our community the best place to live, work, and thrive,” said California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday. “In an often divided and disconnected world, California has made this investment to help us connect and work with each other to make our communities stronger.” 

Residents in each of the selected neighborhoods will be surveyed on areas such as trust in government, social isolation or connectedness, accessibility of city services, and perceptions of neighborhood safety to establish a baseline. Neighborhoods will then be provided resources that demonstrate how to organize and operate a neighborhood association, in addition to learning modules focusing on public safety, emergency preparedness, and blight and beautification. In addition to the education aspect of this program, neighbors will be invited out in a social capacity, including to events like barbecues, block parties and more. 

 "Our role in the City is to bring communities together. This State grant for the TogetherSJ program is essential to promote neighborhood engagement through beautification efforts alongside departments and partners across the City," said Olympia Williams, PRNS Division Manager for the BeautifySJ Program.

TogetherSJ Neighborhood Associations: 

  • Bakerwest

  • English Estates

  • Melody Serenade

  • Silver Leaf

  • Axis 

  • Roosevelt

  • Penitencia

  • Creekside

  • Mt. Pleasant

  • Plata Arroyo

  • Buena Vista

  • Rosemary Gardens

  • Tropicana Lanai

  • Lone Bluff

  • Meadowfair

  • Creekside Evergreen

  • Rubino Park

  • Dartmouth

  • Martin-Fontana

  • Orchard Creek

After a year, neighborhoods participating in TogetherSJ will be surveyed again to gauge how much progress they’ve made and whether they feel more connected. 



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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© 2020 by the BVNA

This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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