Buena Vista, and many other neighborhoods across the city and country, is participating in celebrating National Night Out.
National Night Out is a crime and drug prevention event that is sponsored nationally by the National Association of Town Watch and co-sponsored locally by the San Jose Police Department.
This year is the thirty-fifth anniversary of this event with over 38 million people across the country expected to participate.
National Night Out is designed to:
Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness.
Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime efforts.
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police/community partnerships.
Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Participating neighborhoods nationwide are asked to turn on outside lights, lock their doors, and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. Neighborhoods will be hosting a variety of events ranging from small potlucks and BBQ’s to large block parties. Some additional event ideas include, but are not limited to, ice cream socials, disaster preparedness, games, contests, discussing neighborhood issues or setting neighborhood goals, food or clothing donations, plan a cleanup day, beautify a common area, discuss or plan a Neighborhood Watch Program. It’s up to you — be creative, have fun and CELEBRATE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD!
For additional ideas or questions, contact the SJPD Crime Prevention Unit (408) 277-4133 and online at SJPD.ORG.
Register your neighborhood for this year’s event today. Registration is free and gives police and other city representatives an opportunity to attend local events as time and circumstances permit. You do NOT have to be a current Neighborhood Watch neighborhood to participate. National Night Out is for everyone! Register now and begin planning your event as soon as possible.
The City of San Jose is a nationally registered participant in this year’s event. To register locally simply contact the SJPD Crime Prevention Unit (408) 277-4133 or mail your registration to:
201 W Mission Street
SAN JOSE, CA 95110
(408) 277- 4133