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Notice of CEQA Posting: West San Carlos Mixed-Use Project, First Amendment to the Draft EIR


Notice of CEQA Posting: West San Carlos Mixed-Use Project, First Amendment to the Draft EIR

Post Date: 07/02/2021 12:30 PM

Notice of CEQA Posting: West San Carlos Mixed-Use Project (SP20-004) First Amendment to the Draft EIR The First Amendment to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), including responses to comments, for the West San Carlos Mixed-Use Plan (File No. SP20-004) is available at the following link: Project Description: A Special Use Permit to allow the demolition of existing structures on-site, including a Craftsman-style house and bungalow court eligible for candidate City Landmark status under the City’s criteria for local significance, and the construction of two seven-story, mixed-use buildings comprised of 173 residential units and communal space, and approximately 17,836 square feet of commercial uses on an approximately 1.34-gross acre site. Location: 1530-1544 West San Carlos Street. Location: Located at the southeast corner of West San Carlos Street and South Buena Vista Avenue in the City of San José. Upcoming Public Hearings: Planning Commission hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 14, 2021; City Council hearing is tentatively scheduled for August 24, 2021. Planning Commission agendas and instructions are listed 7 days prior to the hearing, and City Council agendas and instructions are posted 10 days prior to the hearing at Commission Hearing webpage. Due to County health orders, the meetings will be held virtually via Zoom. If you have any questions, please contact the Environmental Project Manager below: Maira Blanco Planner, Environmental Review Planning, Building & Code Enforcement City of San José | 200 East Santa Clara Street | (408) 535 - 7837



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

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San Jose, CA 95159-6953

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