BUENA VISTA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes of the Meeting Tuesday, November 27, 2012 At the home of Shelby Palms and Larry Cress at 395 Menker Avenue.
Meeting called to order at 7:15 PM
PRESENT: [13 people present] Members: Brian Habekoss (President) José González (Secretary)
Steve Rogers (Director) Loui Tucker (Director) Sabine Zappe (Director) Robert Solís (Treasurer) Shelby Palms (Director)
Dolores Rodríguez Joe Carpenter James Rincón Amy Rincón Karen O’Mara
Guest: Rachel Reyes (Pierluigi Oliverio’s office)
The minutes of the October meeting were posted on the website and the yahoo group files section. The minutes were approved.
Elections were held for a new member board:
Brian Habekoss – Re-Elected President John Leyba – Re-Elected Vice-President José González – Secretary Robert Solís - Treasurer
Steve Rogers - Director Loui Tucker - Director Sabine Zappe - Director Shelby Palms - Director
A fundraiser promoted by Joe Carpenter in order to sponsor the utility box art project in the neighborhood collected enough funds to cover for the artists’ payment. The CAP grant will cover the money for supplies like paint and anti-graffiti clear-coating.
The initial goal is 4 utility boxes. The neighborhood has 14 of them. Unfortunately, many of them belong to AT&T and they are not available for decorating.
Background: Since about a year ago, Art Box SJ and the City of San Jose have been painting art or wrapping public utility boxes in order to improve the urban image of the neighborhoods of San José and to prevent the boxes from being tagged with graffiti.
The status of some of the remaining utility boxes is unknown and if they are eligible for painting/decorating. The process to select the first 4 boxes to be painted will be held by the BVNA and professional artists will submit their proposals, which will be agreed upon by members of the
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BVNA and assigned to their respective utility box.
The banner was came loose in recent winds and was then removed from the fence and left in front of Ruth White’s house. The banner was retrieved by Shelby Palms and is now being repaired and will be re-installed soon.
Background: For months, the corner of W. San Carlos and Meridian Ave. remained in a state of semi-abandonment/blight while the developer was securing the loan to start construction.
Robert Solís managed to visit the remaining old houses and with the developer’s permission and their contractors, he managed to salvage some antique doors, built-in china cabinet/hutch, cabinet doors, drawers and other antiques before the houses were demolished. Per his suggestion, a possible antiques swap meet among the neighbors could be arranged for a future date.
Background: The City of San José has an ordinance in place that regulates the display and placement of signs and banners in the public sidewalks and city streets. Basically, 99% of the banners, A-frame advertising and other means of visual advertising are illegal under the current city ordinance. These illegal signs generate visual pollution. Joe Carpenter, Loui Tucker and other neighbors have been enforcing the city’s ordinance by removing the illegal signs themselves, while encouraging other neighbors to do the same.
The City of San José could generate much needed income only if they enforced the removal of illegal signs everywhere in the City and collected the fines they are due. The problem is that the signs ordinance has very complex regulations and the city doesn’t have enough inspectors to enforce the code.
James Rincón mentioned that during business hours, the car dealers test-drive their vehicles and go way over the speed limit on Menker Ave. This is not only illegal, but also puts in danger the lives of neighbors and their children who could be hit.
It was suggested a report be filed with the SJPD each time someone is speeding and request more frequent patrolling of the street to catch speeders. Also, it was suggested a request be made to the SJPD chief to talk to the car lot dealers and warn them about their actions.
Preparing the new BVNA newsletter should include topics like:
Update on the park and when it should open
Traffic / Parking issues / City Sourced reports
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Hoover IPA score has increased
Artbox Utility Box voting system/selection
Illegal signs mini-code enforcement guide
Parking enforcement, car dealers should not park their vehicles in front of residential
properties and keep their inventory in their lots
Right at the corner of Shasta and W. San Carlos, a new grocery market has opened. It sells fruit, vegetables, poultry, meat, dairy products and other foods. The market is welcomed by the neighborhood but it was noted that they still use plastic bags which is not legal in San Jose. There was some mention that it could be legal for certain small businesses. More investigation is needed.
A report was submitted to the DOT requesting their supervisors to paint the corners of Chiechi Avenue, Page Street and Douglas Avenue.
The next meeting will be on December 18th and will be a neighborhood Holiday Potluck party. No official BVNA issues will be discussed. Bring a dish or a side and have fun. It will be at James and Amy Rincón’s newly remodeled house at 479 Menker Avenue at 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.