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October 2010 BVNA Meeting Minutes


(These minutes are truncated in historic records, the following is the information currently available.)

Minutes of BVNA General Meeting 10/26/2010

12. There was a report of some sort of church field trip that brought dozens of kids and a “bounce house” to the Buena Vista Park on a Sunday afternoon. Someone thought it might be North Valley Baptist Church which runs buses through the neighborhood to pick up kids and take them to church. They bring the kids back in the afternoon, sometimes with a bounce house in the park as a treat for them. Is this legal?


  1. The BVNA Halloween House this year will be at Beth Kramer’s at 430 Menker Avenue, beginning at 6:40 PM on Sunday. There will NOT be any Instamatic photos taken this year because the film for the camera is no longer available. The BVNA will be researching the possibility of buying one of the new instant-print digital camera for next year. We will be handing out glow necklaces/bracelets and candy. If BVNA members can drop off a bag of candy it would be appreciated.

  2. Hopefully everyone noticed that the park expansion lot at Mayellen and Scott was finally cleared of debris. Robert will be sending a thank you letter to the City.

  3. Robert and John gave a report on the current city parks situation and specifically our Buena Vista Park expansion. John is working to get a grant from PG&E to cover the first $10,000 of the maintenance costs with the hope of raising the rest of the money through local individuals and businesses. There is still some talk about “adopting” the park so that maintenance tasks can be handled by BVNA volunteers. They are still talking about an 18-month time lag to get the park expansion built.

  4. The Bascom Library/Community Center was supposed to be done by October, and is now due to open in November, but the date is still not solid.

  5. Development in the area:

  6. The “West San Carlos at Meridian” project is on hold because of a lack of funding.

  7. McVay has until the end of November to renew his permits or he will have to start all

over with his plans to develop his property on Willard.

  1. The Hennings home on Menker has a buyer and the sale is pending. Should we have a

farewell party for her?


NAC elections are coming up. Current bylaws prohibit members from the same neighborhood association from serving as officers at the same time, so Robert and John could not serve as officers.

We were encouraged to vote NO on Measure G by neighbors who know the history of the San Jose City College administration and their ability to blow through money.

The next meeting will be on November 30 at the home of Shelby and Larry at 395 Menker Avenue

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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© 2020 by the BVNA

This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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