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Opening Of Bart’s San Jose Extension Faces Probable Delay


Commuters eager to hop on a BART train to or from San Jose will probably have to wait until fall, at least three months later than projected, BART officials said Thursday. It’s not their fault, they said.

BART will need six months of testing before beginning the new service, but the Santa Clara Valley

Transportation Authority, which is responsible for building the 10-mile extension from Warm Springs/South Fremont Station to Berryessa Station in east San Jose, hasn’t yet handed over the new tracks.

Under an agreement between the two transit systems, VTA has to allow BART six months of testing and to obtain California Public Utilities Commission certification. BART officials say they don’t expect to be able to start until March because VTA still needs to complete its own tests.

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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

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San Jose, CA 95159-6953

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