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Public Input Sought for Downtown San Jose Bart Station


The second phase of BART’s Silicon Valley extension will include six miles of track running from San Jose’s Berryessa neighborhood through Downtown to the City of Santa Clara. There will be a total of four stations along the route: Alum Rock, Downtown, Diridon Station, and a final stop near Santa Clara University. The locations of the Alum Rock and Santa Clara stations have already been chosen, but on Oct. 5 the VTA board will select the locations for Downtown and Diridon.

There are two options for Downtown, both along Santa Clara Street. The East Option would locate the station between Second and Seventh streets with direct access to San Jose City Hall and San Jose State University. The West Option would be located between Market and Fourth streets with direct access to the existing VTA bus and light rail stops in the heart of Downtown.

The options for Diridon Station include a north option that would be underneath Santa Clara Street directly across from SAP Center, and a south option that would be approximately 200 feet south of Santa Clara Street, closer to the existing Diridon train station.

The VTA board will also decide whether to construct two smaller tunnels or one large tunnel underneath Downtown for BART. The two tunnel configuration is the standard alignment that is used throughout the existing BART line. However, the one tunnel option is a new design that could have several advantages for both BART and Downtown San Jose.

The VTA board will hear a full presentation about the station and tunnel options at a public workshop on September 22 beginning at 9 a.m. at VTA headquarters, 3331 N. First Street in San Jose. The vote on the choices is scheduled for October 5.



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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