The City of San José and the Santa Clara Valley Water District are hosting a series of resource fairs this month to help residents prepare for winter storms.
At the resource fairs, residents will have the opportunity to learn about the district’s tools to monitor stream, reservoir and rainfall levels and where to access this information made available through the district’s gauge system. There will also be free sandbag workshops to demonstrate the proper filling and placement of sandbags. Residents will learn about helpful smartphone apps to prepare for an emergency, and receive a free emergency preparedness workbook and emergency starter kit.
Both agencies have been working closely on developing a Joint Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for severe storms and flood response. The plan outlines how the city and district prepare for, communicate and respond to flooding on Coyote Creek as well as other waterways where flooding might occur. During the resource fairs, residents will have an opportunity to hear how the district and agency will send notifications in the event of a possible flood.
Three resource fairs are scheduled for this month as listed below. Interpreters will be available in Spanish and Vietnamese.
Wednesday, October 18 6 – 9 p.m.
Golden Wheel Mobile Home Park Community Room
900 Golden Wheel Park Dr., San José
Thursday, October 19 6 – 9 p.m.
Franklin–McKinley School District Offices Board Room
645 Wool Creek Dr., San José
Saturday, October 28 1 – 4 p.m.
Martin Luther King Jr. Library 2nd Floor Community Room
150 E. San Fernando St., San José (parking in the 4th street garage can be validated, bring your parking ticket to meeting)
For more information please go to: http://sanjoseca.gov/prepared