A Development Permit application (File No. H24-046) was submitted to the City of San José’s Planning Division on August 9, 2024 for 1301 West San Carlos Street for the demolition of a commercial building and the removal of twenty trees for the construction of a one-story quick-service restaurant (Chick-fil-A) with no drive-through. I am the Planning Project Manager reviewing this application. For additional project information, please e-mail me or visit SJPermits.
You are receiving this e-mail as the designated contact for the Buena Vista Neighborhood Association. The purpose of this e-mail is to inform your association about development proposals early in the Planning application review process. You may receive future e-mails regarding this project’s public meetings.
If you would like to update the designated contact(s) for the association(s), please e-mail GeneralPlanStaff@sanjoseca.gov.
City of San José
Planning, Building, & Code Enforcement
200 E. Santa Clara Street, 3F Tower
San José, California 95113-1905