If you are interested in serving your community consider joining a board or commission to get involved! Boards and commissions offer the opportunity to provide input and suggestions on decisions that affect San Jose.
City boards and commissions were established for the purpose of advising the City Council and providing ongoing input into policies and issues affecting the future of the San José community. All persons seeking membership on a board or commission must be San José residents and some commissions have additional membership requirements. Some applications will be reviewed and interviewed by the Council Appointment Advisory Commission. Applicants are appointed by the City Council. Members are usually appointed for a four-year term. All meetings are open to the public and copies of the agendas are available at least 7 days prior to any regularly scheduled meeting.
Historic Landmarks Commission
One (1) Seat with a Term Ending June 30, 2022
Housing And Community Development Commission
One (1) Seat with a Term Ending June 30, 2021
Library And Early Education Commission
One (1) Seat with a Term Ending June 30, 2019
One (1) Early Child Care/Education Seat with a Term Ending June 30, 2020
Youth Commission
District 5 Seat with a Term Ending May 31, 2019
Applications can be submitted online at: