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San Jose’s Budgetary Balancing Act


Most people think it’s hard putting together their  own personal budget but you don’t know difficult until you’ve tried doing it for the entirty of San Jose, the largest city in the San Francisco Bay Area. The city of San Jose has put together a new website where residents can try to balance the city’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year. . On the website, you can see the city’s revenue streams (such as property and sales taxes) alongside what the city spends on things like public safety, parks and housing. Then you can try your hand at deciding what spending they would be increased or eliminated to balance the budget. 

To give it a go yourself head over to:



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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