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San Jose Unified School District Enrollment to Plunge Amid Skyrocketing Living Costs, Shortage of Si


The South Bay’s largest school district is losing students.

San Jose Unified School District officials on Wednesday will review a 200-page report on which neighborhoods are shrinking the fastest.

In 2016, about 30,000 students belonged to the San Jose Unified School District. By 2023, the district expects that fewer than 27,000 students will enroll – which is a loss of 3,500 students or a 12 percent drop, the report says.

The report indicates that the ever-rising cost of living in San Jose and the shortage of single-family homes are to blame.

While the heart of Silicon Valley is experiencing a construction boom, most of the new residential developments feature apartments and condos, best suited for smaller families or people without children, according to the report.

Empire Gardens in north San Jose is the part of the district projected to dwindle the most over the next seven years.

Funding is tied to enrollment, so the district is now trying to figure out what this will mean for neighborhood schools...

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