I have focused on preserving Santa Clara County’s history throughout my career. In the past two years alone, I have led the Board of Supervisors to unanimously grant historic status to both the Cambrian Carousel and the Burbank Theater sign and marquee. The Orchard Supply Hardware sign, in all its neon glory, needs to be preserved by the City of San Jose as a visual reminder of the breathtaking transformation our community has undergone in a single lifetime. As Orchard Supply shuts its doors later this year, we must not forget the history this company has had on our local community. Founded in 1932 during a multi-year drought and an economic downturn, farmers pulled together their resources to create a cooperative to support the one booming industry: canned fruit. Over the years, as the Valley of Hearts Delight transformed into Silicon Valley, so did Orchard Supply. Although we cannot save OSH from closing, nor can the County alone preserve its neon sign, because it is within the City of San Jose, I have urged Mayor Liccardo to not let the city lose another symbol of our unique past to short-sightedness and inertia. If you wish to see this sign saved and not go the way of other classic street signs and monuments, I encourage you to express your support to the City of San Jose. You can contact the mayor by emailing mayoremail@sanjoseca.gov or Councilmember Davis (Liaison to the Historic Landmarks Commission) at District6@sanjoseca.gov
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