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September 2010


BUENA VISTA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes of the Meeting Tuesday, September 28, 2010 At the Home of Loui Tucker and Sabine Zappe, 153 Race Street

Meeting called to order at 7:12 PM

PRESENT: [13 people present] Members: Robert Solis (President) Brian Ward (Vice President) Loui Tucker (Secretary)

Sabine Zappe (Treasurer) Jose Gonzalez Brian Habekoss Beth Kramer

John Leyba Marisol Leyba Linda Solis

Guests: Lara Tran, representing City Councilmember Pierreluigi Oliverio's office Jason Ta, San Jose Police Department Stephen Baxter, Community Newspapers

MINUTES - Approved of prior meeting presented and approved as posted.



  1. First report to Lara Tran was from several people that many trees in the parking lot by the Food Max (corner of Meridian and Parkmoor) had been chopped down. Did the owner of the property have a permit to do so? Lara said she’d already received a report and had put in a call to Code Enforcement and Planning Departments to find out what happened.

  2. Lara reminded everyone that District 9 is holding a Community Meeting October 20 at the Willow Glen Community and Senior Center 7:00-8:30 PM to discuss the selection of the new police chief, what qualities the local residents think is important when selecting a police chief.

  3. Jason Ta, a police officer, was present to talk to residents about the state of the neighborhood. There was a shift change the end of September so new officers are patrolling our area. He was working weekends but is now working Sunday through Wednesday and James Ford is working Wednesday through Saturday.

He explained the Watch List and reviewed reported incidents. There were only eight calls for service from January to September in the Buena Vista Neighborhood - 2 in June/July and 6 in September, all involving the same group of young people.

He encouraged residents to make calls to 311 and 911 and they can be made anonymously. Example: kids making noise in the park. An officer WILL NOT come to the door if you indicate you do not want any contact.

In his experience, the Buena Vista Neighborhood does not have high call volume and is mostly tranquil. is a site that shows the divisions and districts in San Jose.

  1. Beth brought up a specific problem she is having with neighborhood children using pellet guns, shooting at her fence, the cactus, the local squirrels and birds. Some of the children are as young as six years old and some are adults. The property damage amounts to vandalism and the hitting wildlife is animal cruelty.

Minutes of BVNA General Meeting 9/28/2010

Jason Ta explained that you can call in reports about the beebee/pellet guns. There may be some delay, but an officer will respond. Little, if anything, can be done if the incident has stopped but an officer can go to the home to talk to the residents. This amounts to “nuisance abatement” and it is something police officers will do. There was a discussion of taking civil action for property damage.

  1. Beth also recounted a ‘name-calling’ incident between two residents that is causing problems on the street.

  2. Brian talked about an problem he is having getting cars towed when someone parks illegally in his driveway. Evidently towing companies will not just come out and tow a car without a law enforcement officer confirming that the car is parked illegally. This policy keeps towing companies out of personal conflicts and harassment between neighbors.


  1. John made an extensive report on the meeting that was held at Sherman Oak Community Center regarding the extension of the current Buena Vista Park to the lot to the east.

  2. The City personnel came prepared to push the artificial turf, so participants had to sit

through a lengthy video “commercial” first

  1. All of the residents present aired their reasons for wanting real grass instead of

artificial turf. Residents made it quickly and abundantly clear that artificial turf was not acceptable and residents were prepare to forego expansion of the park if that was all that was available.

  1. City personnel then said they would only do what the residents wanted, that they didn’t have any sort of agenda.

  2. The only real sticking point is the current budget situation which mandates that no project cause a net increase in costs to the City.

  3. John then presented and explained a proposal to eliminate the real grass in the current park and replace it with a rubberized play surface of some type, and then use the freed-up maintenance costs to maintain a real grass surface on the new park lot.

  4. Other items discussed included using “low-mow” grass, or “slow-grow” grass that would require less maintenance as well as water, adopting the park to allow residents to care for the park, and using foundation funds to establish a community maintenance fund.

  5. The result of all this was that City personnel agreed to go back with the community’s suggestions and ideas and see how close they could get the figure to come to a “revenue neutral” project.

  6. There was also a major complaint aired about the handling of the community clean-up of the park extension back in June, the dumpster that was not delivered as promised, the lack of response from the City personnel about clearing the debris from the site, etc.


The next meeting will be on on October 26 at the home of Robert and Linda Solis at 359 Mayellen Avenue

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.



BVNA makes a best effort to provide accurate information about current events, rules, regulations, and municipal code; this site is not intended to provide legal advice and any questions about such areas should be directed to the appropriate City department.


Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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