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Sign Code Modernization


Updated: Nov 3, 2020

On Tuesday, September 25th, City Council voted to allow signage, including digital signs, to be placed on 17 City-owned sites in downtown and near the airport. D6 Councilwoman Dev Davis voted in favor of the staff recommendations. Phase 2 will look at the possibility of expanding the signage to privately owned sites in downtown and along freeways and grand boulevards, not neighborhoods.

One of the goals of phase 2 will be to get old billboards out of residential areas. I live in a neighborhood that has them, and some are an eyesore. The D6 office is not looking to replicate that in other neighborhoods and would like to get the existing ones cleaned up. The D6 office looks forward to the continued community discussion on this issue.



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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© 2020 by the BVNA

This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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