San José residents: Have old junk to get rid of?
Follow these steps to make a free Junk Pickup appointment:
STEP 1 See the list of acceptable junk items.
STEP 2 Visit, dial 3-1-1 or call (408) 535-3500; provide your service address; and request a free junk pickup appointment or call 311.
STEP 3 Check your email for a Junk Pickup appointment confirmation. Remember to follow setout instructions provided in the email. If you don’t see the email check your spam folder. Important Junk Pickup program information: Set out your items up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.
All Junk Pickup items must be generated from your home.
Have Construction and Demolition (C&D) material? Choose from the list of authorized haulers to collect C&D material.
Report and prevent illegal dumping.