This meeting will be an open house format where community members are able to view the final draft concepts of the Plan, make comments, and speak directly with City Staff. Comments: If you have comments on the Draft Plan, please email me directly, and your comments will be considered and included in the public record. You may also email Jennifer.Piozet@sanjoseca.gov any questions you may have about the Plan. You can find the draft Plan for the South Bascom Urban Village at:
http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=3791 Please note: The Urban Village Plan is a policy document which provides guidance for future development and investment within the Village boundary, like future housing and job growth. This Plan is not a development proposal and adoption of this Plan will not directly result in any physical development (demolition or construction) in the area. If and when a private property owner wishes to redevelop their land, they will be required to comply with the applicable Urban Village Plan, as well as the City’s permitting process. http://www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/74580