The Santa Clara Valley Water District is seeking high school students to assist the board through its new board advisory Youth Commission. The purpose of the new advisory commission is to assist the board with public policy, education, outreach, and all matters impacting Santa Clara County youth and the water district; foster greater involvement of youth in local government to inspire and develop future public policy leaders and professionals with an awareness of issues and activities relating to water supply, conservation, flood protection, and stream stewardship. The first meeting is anticipated to be held in mid-May after the board of directors has made all its appointments to the commission. The board of directors is currently accepting applications for Youth Commission members. Each board member will appoint three commissioners per district for a total of 21 youth commissioners. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, March 2, 2018. For more information email: youthcommission@valleywater.org. Applications are available online at: http://bit.ly/2nuvcda On behalf of the board of directors, I encourage you to share this great opportunity with high school teens in your community. Sincerely, Richard P. Santos Chair/Board of Directors
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