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West San Carlos Street & South Bascom Avenue Urban Villages


The West San Carlos Street and South Bascom Avenue urban village plans are available for the public to read and comment on. Each document lays out the vision, goals, policies, and actions necessary to create attractive, walkable, green communities.

Both plans envision safe and well-connected neighborhoods, thriving business districts, and gathering places that promote community identity and spirit. They also encourage sustainable design features, such as bioswales, and emphasize pedestrian-friendly features, which explore “re:Streets” strategies.

For more information check out:

For more information on the Greenbelt Alliance community plan, check out:



BVNA makes a best effort to provide accurate information about current events, rules, regulations, and municipal code; this site is not intended to provide legal advice and any questions about such areas should be directed to the appropriate City department.


Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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© 2020 by the BVNA

This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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