Wildfire Season: Your Neighbor May Need Your Help During A Loss Of Power Event (PSPS). Are you and your neighbors prepared for a loss of power event?
In partnership with Nextdoor, California Volunteers is calling on all Californians to check on their neighbors to assess if they need help during loss of power events in communities across the state. As California deals with the threat of continued wildfires and extreme weather as a result of climate change, Californians should take steps now to prepare themselves, their families, and their neighbors for loss of power events.
The steps to help your neighbor are easy, just ask if they need help taking the same preparedness steps that you will take. We are also providing additional support for those who want to help their neighbors and community.
Sign up here to learn more: https://www.californiavolunteers.ca.gov/get-involved/psps-signup/
Public Safety Power Shutoff or PSPS Events help reduce the risk of fires that are caused by electrical infrastructure by temporarily turning off power to specific areas. Leaving communities without power brings risks and hardships. Here’s how you can help your neighbor:
✅Get Yourself + Family Prepared
✅Check on your neighbors to see if they need help getting prepared
✅Check on your neighbors before and during a PSPS event
✅Assemble Emergency Kits
✅Help keep emergency phone numbers handy for your neighborhood
Supporting Communities Impacted by Power Shutoffs: Governor Gavin Newsom announced the distribution of more than $120 million in Community Power Resiliency grants to maintain the continuity of critical services that can be impacted by power outages, including schools, county election offices, and food storage reserves. Through Cal OES, this funding was distributed to counties, incorporated cities, federally recognized Tribal Governments, and special districts.
Below are additional resources to help prepare you ahead of and during a PSPS event and reduce the stress caused by power outages.
◾️Prepareforpowerdown.com (https://prepareforpowerdown.com/) -Prepare for Power Down informational website
▪️Español (https://prepareforpowerdown.com/?lang=es)
▪️Chinese (https://prepareforpowerdown.com/?lang=zh-hans)
▪️Vietnamese (https://prepareforpowerdown.com/?lang=vi)
▪️Korean (https://prepareforpowerdown.com/?lang=ko)
▪️Tagalog (https://prepareforpowerdown.com/?lang=phi)
◾️chhs.ca.gov (https://www.chhs.ca.gov/blog/2019/10/25/public-safety-power-shutoffs-resource-guide/) – California Health and Human Services Public Safety Power Shutoff Resource Guide
◾️ready.gov (https://www.ready.gov/) – Disaster preparedness information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
◾️readyforwildfire.org (http://www.readyforwildfire.org/) – CAL FIRE’s wildfire preparedness website
◾️noaa.gov (https://www.noaa.gov/) – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website
◾️Pacific Gas & Electric (https://www.safetyactioncenter.pge.com/articles/11-tips-prepare-power-shutoff)
◾️Southern California Edison (https://www.sce.com/wildfire/customer-resources-and-support)
◾️San Diego Gas & Electric (https://www.sdge.com/wildfire-safety/psps-more-info)
◾️If you own a backup generator, ensure it is ready to safely operate. Sign up here to help your community: https://www.californiavolunteers.ca.gov/get-involved/psps-signup/