Redevelopment is an essential aspect of the urban regeneration process and it brings positive externalities to neighborhoods. The Buena Vista Neighborhood is situated in an area that is currently experiencing an urban renewal with a flurry of redevelopment projects that are happening both in and around the area, including, but not limited to, the West San Carlos Urban Village along the Norther boundary, the South Bascom North Urban Village, just to the west, and the Google/Diridon Station Area Redevelopment Plan just to the east.
The development of urban villages is the fifth of 12 major strategies embodied within the Envision San José 2040 General Plan. Urban villages are walkable, bicycle-friendly, transit-oriented, mixed use settings that provide both housing and jobs. The urban village strategy fosters:
Engagement of village area residents in the urban village planning process
Mixed residential and employment activities that are attractive to an innovative workforce
Revitalization of underutilized properties that have access to existing infrastructure
Densities that support transit use, bicycling, and walking
High-quality urban design
Area Urban Village Redevelopment Plans
The San Jose City Council has approved numerous specific plans for key locations in San José to foster transit-oriented development, historic preservation, mixed uses, sensitivity to surrounding neighborhoods, and other strategic goals. Each specific plan explains the vision for future land use development in the plan area with a detailed land use plan, design guidelines, and implementation strategy.
Buena Vista falls under the Midtown Specific Plan which calls for a new mixed-use community that includes high-density commercial and residential uses oriented towards transit, while maintaining some of the industrial and service commercial uses. Details of the plans are available here:
To the west of Buena Vista sits the largest unincorporated county pocket, Burbank which is bordered on its western side by Basom Ave. Basom itself has largely been incorporated into the City of San Jose and as the South Bascom North Urban Village Plan is implemented, it is expected to continue to trigger additional annexations into the city. Furthermore, simply because the West San Carlos and South Basom North Urban Village Plans practically abut, for many intents and purposes these two distinct Urban Villages are being treated as one. Details of the South Bascom North Urban Village Plan is available here:
Buena Vista also falls under the City of San Jose's Burbank/Del Monte Strong Neighborhoods Initiative, a program that looked at sections of San Jose and examined what the City needs to do to continue positive growth. Among other things, the report found that " The Burbank/Del Monte area can become a much more enjoyable place to live with some beautification projects. Many parts of the neighborhood could benefit from landscaping and streetscape enhancements." Furthermore, they note that "Burbank/Del Monte residents want to strengthen family-friendly, neighborhood-serving commercial services. However, some commercial uses along W. San Carlos Street and Bascom Avenue, such as the used car lots and adult businesses, are inconsistent with that vision."
A copy of the SNI report is available here:
Google Diridon Specific Redevelopment

The Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP) adopted by the City Council in 2014 established a long-term goal of creating a vibrant, mixed-use urban destination adjacent to a new intermodal transit station to support the City's growth policies.
Google's application for the redevelopment of approximately 80 acres of the DSAP area’s 250 acres seeks to build upon and implement the DSAP vision, while recognizing evolving realities and aspirations since the plan's original adoption in 2014.
The size of this redevelopment project and its proximity to Buena Vista (approximately one mile to the east) means that it will definitively have a significant and lasting impact on the neighborhood as surrounding properties begin to redevelop and property prices increase as demand does as well. A website has been set up to provide everyone with access to information about the project at: https://www.diridonsj.org
Buena Vista Specific Redevelopment
The Buena Vista Neighborhood Association actively supports balanced, smart redevelopment, that positively impacts the neighborhood, parks, schools, and families while not putting an undue strain on transit, parking, economically unfortunate families, and the community. As you can see on the map, there are constantly a number of redevelopment project happening in the neighborhood .
Below is an interactive map of the current redevelopment projects in the Buena Vista area.
Below is a list of redevelopment projects submitted to the planning and building commission inside the Buena Vista Neighborhood.